Navigate to group variants
This module will show how to navigate to group variants.
Now, I have selected a flow and a head and the results coming up are all CM3-2. The reason for this is that CM3-2 as a product name can still have different variants like approvals, shaft seals, voltages, temperatures and others. Clicking on group variants will now collapse all the product names that are identical into one line. In this case all of the CM3-2 variants that are now collapsed.
Next to it you can see there is 57 variants.
For the CM5-2 product name, there are 54 variants and so forth.
Clicking on the double arrow here, will open all of the CM3-2 variants in the new tab.
I can work with them here and I can apply my settings and filters on top of this selection. I can go back to the results and check another product name.
If you hover over here, you can see that the variants from this group will be shown on the capacity range next to it.
Hovering over here, will therefore provide you with an overview of where you are performance wise in the capacity range.
And then you close by clicking on X in the top bar and then you are navigated back to the result. And that is group variants.