
Whitepaper: Water circularity can reduce water stress and boost EU industry

New whitepaper developed by Ramboll and Grundfos estimates EU’s light industries can save up to 50-75 percent water if a full circular approach is implemented.

Water stress poses a serious threat to the environment and economic development in the EU.

The good news is that according to a recent study and brand-new whitepaper developed by consulting company Ramboll and Grundfos water circularity can save up to 85-90 percent water in companies' processes if a full circular approach is implemented.

Water savings amount to the consumption of 67 million households
Light industry, which includes sectors such as datacenters, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, textile, semi-conductors, and paper, is a major consumer of water, accounting for seven percent of the EU's total water withdrawal and 30% of industrial wastewater discharge.

In the EU alone, light industries can save 50-75-percent water by implementing a circular approach, reducing, reusing, and reclaiming water. This is the equivalent to the annual consumption of 67 million households.

We already have the technology
Despite the advantages of water circularity and the technology already available, it is still underutilised. Some of the barriers include lack of awareness, regulation, incentives, and financing. To overcome these challenges, the whitepaper study suggests that an EU water strategy, that addresses water stress and promotes water circularity as a key solution, is needed.

The strategy should include measures such as setting water efficiency standards, providing financial support, fostering innovation, and raising awareness among stakeholders. If implemented, it can significantly reduce water stress and contribute to the EU's green transition and circular economy goals according to the new whitepaper.

Need more information?

Mads Klougart Jakobsen
Press officer for Denmark and Europe

Mobile phone: (+45) 5234 2899

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