Often, older pumps or outdated technology in rainwater harvesting systems can lead to problems like noise and higher energy consumption. In this module, you’ll learn how to overcome these common application issues.
We’ll begin with noisy water installations. When older pumps or booster systems with outdated technology operate inside or close to a household, they can cause vibrations in the water piping system. This often leads to residents experiencing unwanted noise. Typically, experiences of noise can reduce comfort for residents and neighbours alike and lead to severe dissatisfaction and negative impacts on installer reputations.
What’s more, noise issues can lead to unnecessary installer call backs. This can be costly for residents and time consuming for installers.
The most common root causes for noisy water installation in rainwater harvesting systems can be:
* Old, outdated pump technology generating vibrations in the water piping system
* Poor pump control which leads to pumps running too frequently and increasing energy bills
* Demand for water is more than the pump can handle
* Pipework is not fitted with sound-absorbing material
To ensure your customers avoid noisy water installations, the following Grundfos solutions are recommended: The SCALA2 offers the lowest noise level with 47 dB(A) when in use.
This can be lower than the noise generated by a ‘quiet’ washing machine which is usually between 45-75 dB(A). For reference, a normal conversation is typically recorded at about 60 dB(A). "
"SCALA1 and SCALA1 System are also at the lower end of the noise scale when comparing boosters with a noise level of < 55 dB(A).
SB and SBA are zero-noise boosters because they are submersible pumps installed within the rainwater tank. They do not emit noise. Low noise pump solutions can help residents improve their indoor comfort and avoid unwanted vibration damage to water pipes.
Let's move on and explore the next issue: high energy consumption.
Did you know that older rainwater harvesting pumps that use outdated technology can consume between 40% - 70% more energy than newer, more energy-efficient models?
The actual savings depend on which factors you compare: type of pump, running time, or application for example.
If in doubt about how much you can save, contact your local Grundfos sales company.
It’s common for residents to see their older, oversized pumps consume excessive amounts of electricity, leading to higher energy bills and dissatisfaction. It’s possible for the total energy consumption of a household to be up to 3.5% higher when an older pump is in use.
The most likely root causes for issues related to high energy consumption can be:
* Installing older pumps with outdated technology
* Oversized pumps
* Pumps with poor control performance
To ensure your customers achieve optimal energy performance with their rainwater harvesting system, the SCALA2 is recommended.
This pump can help you achieve peak energy efficiency and avoid oversizing from the beginning, thanks to an easy sizing, selection and commissioning process.
It adapts its energy consumption to demand and ensures the right amount of energy is used every time it operates. It can provide constant and perfect water pressure in all outlets, ensuring no more energy is used than necessary.