Adding and comparing selected products
This module will show how to add and compare products.
To add products to your selected products, you click the +. If I want to add a CM1-4, I click the plus and then I can see it in the selected products column. I can change my range, if I want to specifically look for something different.
If I want to compare it, I can add another one to my selected products. So now I will have a side by side comparison of these.
I can compare a total of three products, so I will just add a CR as well. As you can see here.
As there is a maximum of three products to compare, you will need to delete one to replace it. You can also delete all and clear the columns completely.
You can see a consolidated curve with all of the outputs.
You can print the comparison and select what you want to include and click on Generate PDF.
At the bottom, you can add the product directly to a project if you are working on one, or you can go to the product details page which will take you back to the product detail page of the Product Centre.