Research And Insight
Screen basket
A screen basket is a device used to retain or remove suspended or floating solids in flow stream to protect pumps, valves etc. from damage or clogging.
A screen basket is a device with openings (6-150 mm), generally of uniform size, used to retain or remove suspended or floating solids in flow stream. The screen basket prevents the solids from passing a given point in a conduit to protect pumps, valves etc. from damage or clogging. The screening element may consist of parallel bars, rods, wires, grating, wire mesh, or perforated plate.
In a standard pumping station installation, the screen basket is placed directly by the inlet, enabling easy emptying and cleaning. In Southern Europe the screen basket is typically placed in pumping stations.
Grundfos ensures a better hydraulic design for the pumping station inlet to aid removal of suspended or floating solids in the flow stream, for example with a screen basket.