Enhance comfort in the home with a Grundfos booster solution

The Grundfos SCALA Pump family integrates all components into one compact boosting device that includes a pump, tank, sensor and non-return valve. 

Equipped with cutting edge technology, the SCALA1 and SCALA2 use intelligent water-cooling technology to reduce noise and vibration. During typical use, the SCALA1 omits > 55 dB(A) while the SCALA2 omits < 47 dB(A). A decrease in sound level of 10dB(A) will actually appear as the noise has halved in loudness. For comparison, most dishwashers omit around 46-60 dB during typical use. 

For ultimate comfort and intelligent features that adjust performance to the home, choose SCALA2, our premium pump that keeps noise to a minimum and gives perfect water pressure.

All-in-one booster unit

Complete all-in-one unit, integrating pump, motor, diaphragm tank, pressure and flow sensor, dry-running protection, controller and non-return valve provides you with optimal pressure boosting for water on demand and intelligent pump control. 

Bluetooth communication built-in

The built-in two-way communication system connects to the intuitive Grundfos GO REMOTE app, which enables you to monitor, trouble-shoot and control SCALA1 from your ​smartphone. ​

Save time installing SCALA1 – simply connect the pipes, prime the pump and plug it in. For fast and easy commissioning, configure the pump quickly and intuitively directly from the pump control panel.

For more advanced settings you can use the Grundfos GO REMOTE app and follow the guided online configuration. ​

Built-in multi-pump/booster technology enables twin pump connection with joint pump control in either duty/assist or duty/standby mode. Configuration is done easily using the Grundfos GO REMOTE app, where you can also adjust the alternation setup.