Enhance comfort in the home with a Grundfos booster solution
The Grundfos SCALA Pump family integrates all components into one compact boosting device that includes a pump, tank, sensor and non-return valve.
Equipped with cutting edge technology, the SCALA1 and SCALA2 use intelligent water-cooling technology to reduce noise and vibration. During typical use, the SCALA1 omits > 55 dB(A) while the SCALA2 omits < 47 dB(A). A decrease in sound level of 10dB(A) will actually appear as the noise has halved in loudness. For comparison, most dishwashers omit around 46-60 dB during typical use.
For ultimate comfort and intelligent features that adjust performance to the home, choose SCALA2, our premium pump that keeps noise to a minimum and gives perfect water pressure.