How long does the Grundfos Machine Health sensor's battery last?
Approximately 3 years, depending on environmental conditions and sampling intervals. Battery life is monitored remotely and replaced at no charge, if necessary.
How often do Grundfos Machine Health sensors collect data?
Standard collection rate is once per hour, which can be increased up to every 15 minutes depending on your needs.
How many Grundfos Machine Health Endpoints can connect with one Node?
1 Node covers 16 Endpoints, which covers approximately 4 machines. A pre-install site survey will determine hardware necessary.
How are the Grundfos Machine Health sensors installed?
Grundfos Machine Health is non-invasive and non-intrusively installed. Sensors are mounted using epoxy glue.
What is the maximum advisable distance between the Grundfos Machine Health Endpoint (sensor) and Node (communication gateway)?
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), for which we recommend a maximum distance of between 50-75 feet (15-20 meters) with line of site.