MGE Model F – Main cover (RA294)

Attachment: Notification about the Red Alert / new notification.

Product type
MGE Model F motor size (11-22kW)

Valid from production date
WEEK 14 – 2017

Valid to production date
WEEK 37 – 2020

Service Kit, Cover Mains, C2

Service kit instruction C2 MGE Model F

MGE MODEL F MOTORS MANUFACTURED BETWEEN WEEK 14 – 2017 AND WEEK 36 – 2020 do not have a cover on the main terminal box. Motors before and after these production dates have main cover mounted from production.

This safety notice has become necessary as we have become aware of incidents where service on MGE model F has been performed while having the terminal box cover removed and mains power connected (ON).

There is now a service kit available on stock PN 99926860 that can cover the terminals plugs again.

We strongly recommend that this cover should be added to the motor if it is not present

Please always follow the procedures described in the I&O and Service instructions.

If service is required and access to internal PCB is needed with connection of PC Tool via Geni cables,  and troubleshooting with low-voltage measurements tool it is only allowed with the main cover mounted, to reduce the risk of electrical shock.

Therefore please follow closely the service kit instruction and respect the 30 min discharge period after disconnection of the power.

For wire installation etc. the motor always needs to be shut down and locked completely. Measuring the mains is now possible through small holes in the new cover.

Please remember that the mains cover kit installation should not be reported in FAS as a warranty case.


Lampiran: Pemberitahuan terbaru mengenai Red Alert

Tipe Produk
MGE Model F motor size (11-22kW)

Kode Produksi Dari
WEEK 14 – 2017

Kode Produksi Sampai
WEEK 37 – 2020

Service Kit, Cover Mains, C2

Service kit instruction C2 MGE Model F

MOTOR MGE MODEL F YANG DIPRODUKSI ANTARA MINGGU 14 – 2017 SAMPAI MINGGU 36 – 2020 tidak memiliki penutup pada kotak terminal utama. Motor sebelum dan sesudah tanggal produksi tersebut memiliki penutup utama yang sudah terpasang dari produksi.

Pemberitahuan keselamatan ini menjadi penting sebagaimana kami mengetahui adanya insiden dimana perbaikan motor MGE model F dilakukan sementara penutup terminal box dilepas dan daya utama masih terhubung (ON).

Kini kit servis yang PN 99926860 telah tersedia, yang menutup plug terminal.

Kami sangat menganjurkan agar penutup ini harus terpasang pada motor jika belum ada.

Mohon agar selalu mengikuti prosedur yang telah  dijelaskan dalam I&O dan Service Instructions.

Jika perbaikan diperlukan dan dibutuhkan akses ke PCB internal dengan koneksi PC Tool melalui kabel Geni, atau troubleshooting dengan alat pengukur tegangan rendah, maka hanya diperbolehkan jika penutup utama terpasang untuk mengurangi risiko sengatan listrik.

Oleh karena itu, harap ikuti Service Kit Instruction dengan cermat dan perhatikan periode 30 menit pelepasan muatan 30 setelah daya dilepas.

Untuk instalasi kabel dan lain-lain, motor harus selalu dimatikan dan dikunci sepenuhnya. Pengukuran sumber listrik dapat dilakukan melalui lubang kecil di kit penutup baru.

Harap diperhatikan bahwa kit instalasi penutup utama tidak dilaporkan dalam FAS sebagai kasus jaminan.