Common domestic wastewater issues related to specific applications

Gain insight into unqiue application issues in domestic wastewater scenarios. And learn how to overcome them with Grundfos solutions.

In this module, you’ll gain an overview of two common domestic wastewater issues related to specific applications.

We’ll cover:
* Odours from sewage systems
* Noisy wastewater installations
You’ll learn about their causes, impacts and how to solve them with Grundfos solutions.

Let’s get started.

We’ll begin with odours from sewage systems.
Wastewater systems can sometimes release unwelcome odours.

This can lead to homeowners:
* Consistently calling professionals out to find the root cause
* Not utilising basement spaces due to persistent odour issues

Odours in wastewater systems often arise when:
* There is an open pump sump
* Pump sumps, usually located in basements, are not always sealed or they possess inadequate lids that allow odours to escape.

Oversized tanks can lead to wastewater being left for too long before being emptied out, causing bad odours. Poor ventilation and reduced airflow through pumping stations can also increase the likelihood of bad odours.

There are no active charcoal filters in the wastewater system.

To ensure your customers don’t have to face unwanted odours, the following Grundfos solutions are recommended: MULTILIFT, LIFTAWAY B and UNOLIFT and DUOLIFT solutions are supplied with an air-tight, odour-proof collection tank.

They must be connected to a venting pipe which allows odours to escape from the roof.
For installations where roof venting is difficult, you can use a 2-way venting valve with charcoal filter. However, please be aware of local regulations and standards. SOLOLIFT2 comes with integrated charcoal filters which eliminate odours.

Installing or using any one of these solutions can help homeowners:
* Reduce call-out costs
* Increase the value of their home
* Utilise their basement spaces without experiencing bad odours
We’ll now move on and explore our next common domestic wastewater issue: Wastewater systems can sometimes become noisy, causing annoying sounds for residents.

Your customers may have experienced:
* Gurgle sounds
* Vibrations
* Rattling or knocking noise
* Water hammering
* Noisy pumps

Noisy installations often occur when: Venting pipes are undersized.

When more sanitary appliances are used at the same time, a temporary vacuum can be created in the undersized venting pipes. Gurgling noises occur when a vacuum in the pipe is forced out by the siphons.

Sewage systems are blocked: When ventilation pipes and drain pipes become clogged, the pumping process is disturbed, creating long operation times or frequently starts/stops causing sound and bad odour.

Installations have been carried out incorrectly.

Water hammering or banging, thudding noises or a clapping sound often occur when an incorrectly designed non-return valve closes. Water hammering can also occur if pipes aren’t fixed correctly or non-return valves have been installed incorrectly. Poorly installed pumps can also cause unwanted noise and vibrations. A pump operates too often or for too long. A continuously running pump or a pump that persistently turns on and off will cause unwanted noise. These signs indicate that it could have been incorrectly dimensioned.

Pump technology is outdated.

Systems with older pumps or pumps with a grinder can often produce more noise than ones with newer pump models.
To ensure your customers don’t have to experience unwanted noise from their wastewater systems, the following Grundfos solutions are recommended:

SOLOLIFT2 has flexible connections which absorb vibrations that could cause noise.
Please note the SOLOLIFT2 grinder solution can create some noise while grinding during operation but operates parallel to the toilet flush.

MULTILIFT has low-noise operation thanks to a soft-close return val
ve and flexible connections.
Often, this solution is installed in utility rooms reducing noise issues.

LIFTAWAY B is designed for installations in sound-reducing underfloor pits.
CONLIFT1 is specifically designed for low-noise operation when installed below or beside condensing boilers.

Installing any one of these solutions can help homeowners:
Enhance their indoor comfort
Save money on unnecessary call outs

That concludes our module on common domestic wastewater issues related to specific applications. Thanks for watching.

Course overview

Modules: 3
Completion time
Completion time: 20 minutes
Difficulty level
Difficulty level: Intermediate