
Beating the low Delta T syndrome in one-pipe heating applications

Reduce heat loss and increase system efficiency

Your challenge:

In a one-pipe heating application, hot water typically enters the system at the top of the building and is distributed down through the pipe, heating up radiators one after the other. However, if one radiator is closed, the water is by-passed between the flow and return pipe leading to increased return temperatures and a lower Delta T. This results in increased return water temperature and substantial fines from the heating plant to the building's owner.

Our solution:

Changing the main pump in the system to a Delta T controlled Grundfos TPE pump is the first step. However, there is still no guarantee that a building's inhabitants who are furthest away from the pump will actually receive the heat they require. Grundfos therefore includes a sensor on the system's critical spot to monitor and control the Delta P – the difference between pressure (deliver) and suction (income). This combined solution secures optimum operation in terms of economy, and at the same time delivers the right comfort for occupants.

Discover how the tenants of a seven-storey building in Langenæs, Denmark reduced their heating bills with the Grundfos TPE3's integrated Delta T control. 

Easy installation and commissioning

See how to secure easy installation and commissioning in HVAC systems with the Grundfos TPE3. The TPE3 can easily be connected to any building management system, increases end-user comfort, is fully flexible, and adapts to load requirement in your building.

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